You Give Me A Feeling That I Never Felt Before

You Give Me a Feeling That I Never Felt Before

What is the Feeling?

When someone gives us a feeling that we have never felt before, it can be a powerful experience. It can be a feeling of joy, excitement, peace, or even love. It can be something that is hard to put into words, but we know that it is something special. This feeling can be so strong that it can change our life in an instant.

Where Does This Feeling Come From?

This feeling can come from a variety of sources. It can come from a person, a place, or an event. It can come from a moment of self-reflection or even a moment of self-discovery. Whatever the source, it is something that can be treasured and remembered for a lifetime.

How Can We Hold Onto This Feeling?

When we experience this feeling, it is important to take the time to really appreciate it and take it in. We can also write down our thoughts and feelings in a journal so that we can look back on it in the future. Lastly, we can share this feeling with others so that they can experience it too.


When someone gives us a feeling that we have never felt before it can be a powerful and life-changing experience. It is important to take the time to appreciate this feeling and to consider how we can hold onto it. By doing this, we can ensure that this feeling will stay with us for a lifetime.


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